
Explaining support for populists among external voters: between home and host country


Otro(a)s Autore(a)s: Sebastián Umpierrez, Mari-Liis jakobson

Año: 2023

Revista: European Political Science

Umpierrez, S, y M.L. Jakobson 2023. Explaining Support for Populists among External Voters: Between Home and Host Country. European Political Science. Vol 22: 119-142.

Contributing to the emerging debate on non-resident citizens’ electoral preferences, this article addresses how migratory contexts affect their propensity to vote for populists. Employing two original datasets with information of external voting results from Latin America and Southern Europe, this study suggests that while external voters are on average slightly less likely to vote for populists than domestic voters, this varies meaningfully from country to country. It depends on the type of populism, populists’ incumbency, and the ideological preferences in the country of residence.

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