Autor(es): Lisa Zanotti
Otro(a)s Autore(a)s: Camila Díaz, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser, Lisa Zanotti
Año: 2023
Revista: Journal of Language and Politics
Camila Díaz, Cristóbal Rovira y Lisa Zanotti. 2023. The arrival of the populist radical right in Chile: José Antonio Kast and the “Partido Republicano”. Journal of Language and Politics. Vol 22 (3); 342-359.
Despite the increasing influence of populist radical right (PRR) forces at the global level, they have been absent in Chile until very recently. Today, however, the conditions seem to be ripe for the consolidation of the PRR in the country. As we show in this contribution, José Antonio Kast and the Partido Republicano advance a programmatic agenda that emphasizes authoritarian, nativist, and populist ideas. We also demonstrate certain peculiarities of this political project, which differentiates it from its European brethren. In fact, the party has adopted very clear neoliberal positions and puts much more emphasis on outgroup distinctions within rather than outside the nation. Moreover, given that José Antonio Kast and the Partido Republicano maintain a very fluid relationship with the mainstream right, collaboration between the two seems much simpler and more feasible than in most European cases.
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