Autor(es): Martín Arboleda
Otro(a)s Autore(a)s: Martín Arboleda y Thomas F. Purcell.
Año: 2023
Revista: The Journal of Peasant Studies
Martín Arboleda & Thomas F. Purcell (2023) The rentierization of food: regimes of property and the making of Chile’s globalized agriculture, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 50:5, 1924-1944
Current scholarly debates on the financialization of agriculture have tended to give analytical priority to markets over institutional regimes of property. This article shifts the gaze towards the latter in order to illustrate the extent to which globalized food systems have come to be increasingly characterized by rentier dynamics. By considering rent as a relation that relies on monopoly control of the circuit of capital, the article explores the case of Chile as an instance of a broader mutation of class power that has placed property owners increasingly at the center of the dynamics of wealth creation under late capitalism.
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